A creative writing tutor once told me that the only difference between myself and Steven King was that Steven King had sat down, many times, and written.
Steven King had written a lot. I had written a little.
You can’t be a good writer if you don’t write.
So get started.
Many “writers” are people who call themselves writers without ever actually writing. These “writers” are always waiting for a good time to get started on the great idea they had five years ago.
These “writers” aren’t writers at all.
Busy lives make it hard to find the time to write, but it’s never impossible. If you currently wake at 7 to get ready for work, consider getting up at 6. Immediately you have an hour to write! Do you have a lunch break? If yes, why aren’t you writing in it?
I know life isn’t always as simple as I’ve made out, but with some creative thinking you should be able to make a few hours in your busy week to write.
** I’d love to hear from anyone who has a creative solution to the problem of finding time to write. Your tricks may help others! **
(with thanks to David AKA Lump of Hesitation for the great picture)
Write when you are …. on the toilet (sorry, but normally that’s not the words I’m using in English).
Comment by Lotte — June 26, 2008 @ 1:55 pm