The short version:
I’ve started a podcast for freelancers: Our Freelance Life. Have a listen! You can subscribe with Stitcher or iTunes – or any podcatcher.
The long version:
I’ve started a podcast for all kinds of freelancer. Each episode features a different freelancer, and aims to uncover how they make freelancing work for them.
Why start a podcast about freelancing?
I started freelancing in Brighton.
I didn’t realise this at the time, but I was very fortunate to be starting this adventure in a town blessed with a thriving freelance community.
Not only is Brighton full of freelancers, those freelancers are also great at getting together, sharing ideas and supporting each other.
Freelancers in (and around) Brighton have Wired Sussex, meetups for all kinds of specialisms (from Python to content strategy) and, best of all, a weekly meetup for freelancers called the Farm.
I went to the Farm before I went freelance. And the support I found there was priceless.
I was very nervous about going freelance, with good reason:
- My first child had just been born.
- I had no contacts.
- I had no clients.
- I had very little experience.
- I had no money.
By talking to other freelancers at the Farm I got a sense of what freelancing really meant. I heard both sides of the story – the good and the bad – and was left feeling that, although freelancing came with risks, it was also a brilliant opportunity to expand my horizons.
Our Freelance Life is like chatting to other freelancers – from the comfort of your own home
Starting freelancing can be scary. Hell, it can be scary when you’re ten years in. And one of the best ways to figure out the tricky bits is to learn from others. With Our Freelance Life you get to hear directly from all kinds of freelancers so you can borrow their ideas and sidestep their mistakes. We’re not painting an unrealistic picture of freelancing – or only talking about the positives. We’re trying to share the unvarnished reality of freelancing today.
On being a noob
Starting a podcast has forced me to learn loads of new stuff. I’m still figuring out the technical aspects of podcasting – and how to be a good interviewer – so please be patient with me.
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