Copywriting on the farm

Cows by Edgar Thissen

I really like this idea, taken from Writing for the Web by Susannah Ross:

“Many people talk about setting up a website or having one. They don’t talk often enough about running or managing one. Having a website is not like having a book or a film to show people. It is more like having a farm.”

Anyone starting a website should not be put off by this statement. Websites require regular maintenance and care but they are, rather like animal husbandry, very rewarding. Though unlike farming there is no poo.

An untended website will soon deteriorate into a derelict dump of broken links and irrelevant information. So embrace the farm analogy and tend your herd like your life depends on it!

(Picture courtesy of Edgar Thissen via Flickr)


  1. […] blogged before that having a website is like running a farm, because websites need regular care and attention. But if we take Andy’s ideas about […]

    Pingback by Copywriter | Web Copywriting | Marketing | SEO » A few thoughts on - the web conference — October 25, 2008 @ 6:55 pm

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